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The team
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Behind all good services you need a great team. This is ours...

Andy-A true gentleman,The leader of the team. Always leads by example.

James-Like his Dad a leader by example.Has three loves in his life, Ireland, Kildare and Liverpool!

Noel-One of the shop front men . Has a tendancy to let loose when Laois are in the All-Ireland !

John-Plays up front with Noel. Nicknmaed Boiler , feel free to ask him why!

Paul-Clane man , need we say more ! A dynamo in the shop and the boning area.

Henry-Not to be messed with on the football field. A favourite among the locals.

Jason-One of the newer fellas, not to mistaken for gabriel. No they are not brothers he says!

Emily-Our girl in the deli. Has catered more parties than she cares to think about .

Marc-Emilys brother.Makes the sausages and pudding and rarely gets the accolades he deserves from the customers as he is out back in our sausage house.

Gabriel-Noels brother in arms purely as laois supporters. Great man for the banter and a new customer favourite also.

Catherine-The all rounder. Catherine works in the shop and in the office and gives the lads a kick in the backside if they need it.

Dermott-Co ordinates all the boning that takes place. A vital cog in the wheel and another who because he is behind closed doors does not always receive sufficient thanks,

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