From The Fields to Your Fork......
The Process
"Our job is terrible slow, people dont understand that", says Andy Nolan. As was said Andy is the third generation of this family establishment. What goes on in Nolans used to be fairly commonplace - Andy remains modestly mystified by the enthusiasm for the meat- but it is becoming an increasingly rare practice. The butchers in Nolans are true craftsmen dedicating to getting the detail of their job right . They'rew fierce particular as local word has it.
Being "fierce particular" means being prepared to the the job slowly if thats what it takes to do it well, to have the the kind of pride in your work which makes cutting corners impossible . "Anyway ", says Andy, "you're fairly told if it's not right !".
Our process means not jusy being a butcher but a farmer as well,hand -selecting the animals so you get the best, and finishing them on your own land. It means killing the beast yourself so that you know they've been well treated, well rested, properly relaxed and not stressed. It means coooling the carcassses oh so slowly so that the meat doesnt toughen before it starts to hang. And it mean s hanging it for long enough allowing the meat to tenderise and the flavour to develop.
And thats all before the meat even touches the butchers block. When you see the amount of work that goes into producing meat well,you can only marvel that it doesnt cost alot more!
Extract taken from the Tribune , Maureen Tatlow.Also From The Bridge magazine.